Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New lowpoint
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Oh snap...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
BC Christmas list
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Too easy
Sunday, December 21, 2008
St. John's beats BC again
Two escapes
Saturday, December 20, 2008
ACC: 1-0 in bowl season
Rivalry hoops
Friday, December 19, 2008
Scratching the hockey itch...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
WBB beats FIU 93-65; Photos from men's and women's games

Southern at the line

Reggie Jackson

The starting lineup


Rusin on D


BC 67 - SC Upstate 55
Saturday, December 13, 2008
We interrupt this study/exam block to scratch our heads...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
BC women's hockey throttles BU, 5-0
No longer.
Last night at Walter Brown Arena - a place that's been a house of horrors for BC the last three seasons - BC smashed their cross-town rivals, 5-0. Allie Thunstrom scored a hat trick, including a pair of shorthanded goals.
I wasn't there. I wanted to go to both this game (at 5 PM) and the end of last night's basketball game (7 PM), but as circumstances worked out, I couldn't make it to either one. I missed a great one at Walter Brown.
The game broke BU's 7-game home winning streak, including a pair of wins over powerhouse UNH. BU had also not been shut out in 14 games.
BU has been an up-and-down team, but they undoubtedly came into last night's game as top dogs in Hockey East. This is a huge win for the Eagles.
On the hardwood, Boston College (7-2) beat Bryant (1-7), 80-61. Not the most impressive win over a first year D1 team, but a win's a win.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
WBB pounds UNH
Remember these two things about BC hockey
Monday, December 8, 2008
ACC Bowl Games
Sunday, December 7, 2008
College Hockey Fan Poll
The day after
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sucks to be us
1-1 tie
Friday, December 5, 2008
BU Hatred Week - Part 4 - Pinhead Nation
Dreams Dashed, the sad story of the Boston University student
But somewhere in the middle, something went terribly wrong. In the middle of Commonwealth Ave, you have hobos, burned out cars, and of course, Boston University. It is the polar opposite of the elite parts of Comm Ave. To be honest, when I go there, it reminds me of war-torn Sarajevo or depressed sections of old Leningrad. Considering the pollution, the filth, the lack of English-speaking inhabitants, the rat infestation, and the overabundance of concrete, it's no wonder that BU even makes volunteers in the Peace Corps depressed.
The majority of the students are foreigners who put on their button-down Euro shirts, minus the top three buttons since they never button them anyways, splash on some cheap designer fragrances in lieu of bathing, and spend their time at Landsdown Street listening to techno Euro-trash sound. Finding an actual American at BU is almost as difficult as actually being rejected by their admissions department (read: impossible).
Things are night and day between the Euros and the Americans. Most of the Euros, like most Americans outside of the Boston area, could care less about Boston University. They have no school pride and could care less where they are going to college, just as long as they have access to the clubs on Landsdowne Street and black designer clothes.
Then, there are the American students at BU. Although a rare find, these people really had life swing in the wrong direction when they were seniors in high school. When it was time to choose a college, they had faulty guidance counselors who didn't implore them not to waste their application fee by applying to a legitimate collar-up school like Boston College.
Unfortunately, most followed their pipe-dream until the end. Like most Boston-area students, they applied to Boston University as a safety school. But in the end, their applications to Boston College were used as toilet paper in many of Chestnut Hill's fine campus bathrooms after being laughed at during the BC faculty's annual Christmas party.
Needless to say, their applications to Boston University were accepted almost immediately. Admissions isn't much of an obstacle at BU as their Latin motto translates to "Just send us a check and we'll skip the entire admissions process". Then they waited...and waited...and waited. Sadly, when their got their letter from BC, it started "we regret to inform you...". If you're a BU student or grad, the 'Nation apologies for bringing up these bad memories again. Since most BC rejects never read the entire letter, they probably missed the last line that states "good luck at whatever God-awful institution that is pathetic enough to accept you and thanks for the $50 application fee". Also included in the rejection letter, of course, was a course selection guide for Boston University's upcoming semester.
Most professional therapists point to this moment when things went terribly wrong for the future BU students. Like Tony Montana in "Scarface" or Cameron Frye in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off", this was the last straw to push them off the edge. After days of serious depression, they dug themselves out of their "hole" and dusted themselves off for a life far below the one them had dreamed. Then, in a feeling that only "new hatred" brings, they dug through the trash and pulled out their BC rejection letter, which serves as their daily motivation to remind them of their failure, and fuel their bitterness towards Boston College.
Every morning, BU grads wake up and prepare for a day serving BC grads our daily gourmet coffee and espresso, while thinking back of that terrible experience at their mailboxes. BU students, still smarting from the pain of being rejected from a top-tier university, learned to deal with being shipped off to the big city to Boston's second-tier school of higher learning (the pot smoking hippies at BU put the 'high' in higher learning).
As you know from above, all they are left with is thinking about their rejection from BC and the life they could have had. Seeing that beautiful school on the hill, so close, but yet so far, is at times too much to take. Instead of classy gothic buildings, they moved into grimy, disgusting, and roach infested Warren Towers. Then, it's off to dinner at Burger King, where they breath subway fumes while imagining what it would have been like to nibble on caviar while sitting under a nice patch of grass on BC's impeccibly manicured campus.
After a nice dinner of about 800 grams of fat, it's off to the hockey arena since it is the only sport that Boston University participates in. For the BU fan, it's a relief as they think "finally, I can be with my own people". Where else can one gather with others and simultaneously and randomly chant "BC sucks" as therapy to remind them of their rejection? No where else my friends. No where else.
As the great Obi-Wan Kenobi once said, "Boston will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy". No truer words were ever said.
Collar Up.
- Mav
In case you ever thought it might be
Thursday, December 4, 2008
BU Hatred Week - Part 3 - The Heights, October 2003
Sucks to Be You: One man's call for self-exploration
By: Tim Czerwienski
Posted: 10/7/03
"By 1 a.m. Sunday, it was clear that, according to Boston University students, Boston College and vacuum cleaners are quite similar - they both suck, but at least BU students have a use for vacuum cleaners."
This was the first paragraph of the lead story in the Sept. 29th edition of BU's student newspaper, the Daily Free Press.
The story was the DFP's coverage of Midnight Mania, an event celebrating the kickoff of the college hockey season. Why the BC hatred on the front page? Some might call it shoddy journalism. Others might call it petty and childish banter. Not me. For me, it's the last straw.
In only a year at BC, I've been subjected to more unfounded, stupid, inane chatter from BU students than I'd care to even recall. Anti-BC rhetoric is expected at hockey games. It's less expected on the street. It's downright out of place in the pages of a newspaper.
That doesn't stop the students of BU from printing useless drivel, like this staff editorial piece that ran before last year's Beanpot: "we here at the ol' Free Press present to you some reminders of why it's not just okay, but actually your duty as a citizen, to hate Newton Community College. The brown stain at the end of the Green Line might boast about its grassy fields and open campus. But really, they're just being selfish. Why not donate their ample land to an institution that could really enjoy it, like a nursing home?... Boston College is just all-around bad. The hockey team sucks, the campus sucks and their values suck.
"Newton Community College? Give me a break. For the newspaper of a university that would sell its soul to even crack the US News Top 50 to refer to BC as "Newton Community College" is preposterous. If we're Newton Community College, what does that make BU in comparison? I know. Allston Daycare Center.
The brown stain at the end of the Green Line? Get a campus. Who wants to go to school in the most non-descript, useless neighborhood in Boston? Good luck wading through the river of filth that emanates from Fenway Park after a Sox game.
The hockey team sucks? Nonsense. Beanpot aside, we still beat BU more times than we didn't last season. And we buried them behind Providence for fifth place in last year's Hockey East standings. And we're only two seasons removed from the most thorough drubbing of a conference in recent memory. Perhaps BU doesn't remember the 2000-01 season, when BC won the Hockey East regular season, Hockey East Tournament, Beanpot, and national championship. BU's players were probably sitting down on the bench crying like whiny babies while Brian Gionta and company totally dehumanized them on the ice.
Values? What about John Sabo, the BU forward who was indicted for aggravated assault with a shod foot after he stomped on someone's head outside a local dive? And what about the headline grabbing West Campus Masturbator, who made a habit of storming into young ladies' rooms and playing a little pocket hockey before fleeing? These are but a few members of BU's pantheon of moral and scrupulous students.
BU pales in comparison to BC in almost every other sport. Here's a quick fact: Joilet Junior College has a football team, but BU doesn't.
BU plays basketball in the anemic, impotent, borderline Division III America East Conference. Vermont represented this unconference in the NCAA tournament last season. BC battles with the likes of UConn and Notre Dame while BU is piddling around playing Binghamton and Hartford.
I'm not the only one who thinks that BU is nothing. For instance, here's a quote from the Dartmouth Review: "If you want to pay for a school with Ivy League pretensions but community college atmosphere, then Boston University just might be the place for you."
Or this quote, from a BU graduate's posting on "Personally if I had it to do all over again I would go to UMass or some other school. I would definitely not go to BU. Nor would I go there for any graduate work and if I have any children I would never subject them to it either."
BU is like the younger, uglier, scrawnier, and clumsier kid that lived down the block from you in your youth. Sure, you were better than him in school, and at wiffle ball, and at football, and at getting girls, and at life. But boy, could he kick your ass in Dungeons and Dragons. Until you learned the rules, and totally ruined him at that, too.
Let's face facts. BU is nothing compared to BC. They're taught from before their freshman year to hate because, quite honestly, they're just smart enough to realize they can never be us.
Some people say that this hatred is just a harmless inferiority complex. We should pity BU, perhaps even take them under our wing as a mentor.
Never. Never again will I ever acknowledge those one-note jokes as even remotely deserving to be mentioned in the same paragraph as a legitimate institution like BC. The next time you hear a chant like "BC Sucks," remember the probable source (a hateful, weak-willed zilch), and act accordingly.
This column isn't a complaint. It's a call to arms. It's time to stop shrugging off the soupy dreck that spews forth from the mouths of BC haters. It's time to fight back. Just remember: Beanpots come and go, but it will always, ALWAYS, suck to BU.
BU Hatred Week: Part 2 - The River Hawk Hockey Blog
"It’s time for playoff hockey, and that means it’s time to throw rational, fact-driven commentary out the window.
Instead of the usual Wednesday feature (the only occasionally amusing USCHOmbudsman), we present to you now a positively Orwellian exercise in general dislike: "The Two Minutes' Hate."
Hate is a strong word, and we only wish there was a stronger one that we could put into blog-appropriate vernacular. There’s something about an arena full of 6,300 sniveling fans, all dressed in crimson and white wishing it was maroon and gold that we just loathe.
Next to Scumherst, BU has by far the largest collection of meathead college-boy fans in Hockey East. The majority of these knuckledraggers would be lugging shingles up a ladder if daddy didn’t have the cash to get them into a school that would accept a corpse if the check cleared.
Never has there been a bigger group of fanboys than the face-painting, costume-wearing mutants at BU. When you have a fat loser that wears a sequined cowboy hat to every game, and he's one of the tamer specimens, then your fanbase is a problem. There are hot dog costumes (with ever-changing toppings), Jesus costumes, guys wearing goalie masks, middle-aged hairy men that take their shirts off at the slightest provocation, face painting fat girls, some tall creep with a beard, and that's just two rows of section 118. We wish we were kidding.
Perhaps the worst part, and there’s evidently so much to detest, is their insufferable inferiority complex to the Gold Standard of colleges up the road. The very fact that the big “cheer” these missing links love so much boils down to “BC sucks,” and that they continue to remind you of this fact, regardless of who they’re playing, speaks volumes.
We get it, you’re mad that you’ve been relegated to your third-choice school (Northeastern was full up too) and you need to vent your frustrations. We don’t blame you; we certainly wouldn’t want to be associated with the terrier either. But it’s not our fault you were 1,000 SAT points and the ability to speak like a human being shy of being admitted to BC. Enough already.
We also have a general distaste for Agganis Arena.
First and foremost, because of the namesake. Know who was a "Golden Greek?" Achilles. That's who. Harry Agganis played two years for the Red Sox (wow, a .261 career average!) and was a football washout. Sure, he made the so-called "College Football Hall of Fame" (it's more of a broom closet, really), but they'll let in just about anyone. Case in point: O.J. Simpson. So yeah, your greatest all-time athlete is the peer of a double murderer. Congratulations. When are you building Ted Bundy Stadium?
Second, Agganis is just as revolting on the inside as Walter Brown Arena ever was. Sure, it has a flashy video board (probably stolen), but it’s still not as good as the Whitt or Tsongas Arena because the powers that be decided to put so many luxury boxes in that you can’t see the ice from the concourse.
We know it came in handy when that traitor to all things Boston, Ray Bourque, came to watch his developmentally disabled son for the one season they snuck him through remedial math (presumably so he didn't have to mingle with the great unwashed that regularly attend BU games), but it’d be nice to watch the action while we’re waiting to be gouged on overpriced, mediocre nachos. And we're sure that the braintrust over on Comm Ave is hard at work trying to figure out just how to infuse the whole rink with that WBA urine stench that everyone came to love so much.
Then there's BU's players, speaking of unwashed. Here's a school so devoid of anyone better to whom to give scholarships that they floated one to Eric Gryba, or if you prefer, Karson Gillespie. One which had three captains that were such reprehensible human beings that Jack Parker suspended them (and another player) and stripped them of the little letters on the front of their shirts then gave them back. One which was collectively on the brink of tears when a few of its players were brutally beaten up last year (actually tragic), but stood by John Sabo when he nearly killed someone in a similar fashion. If Maine wasn't so infested with (alleged) pedophiles, academic frauds, and sexual harassers, BU would take the cake for giving scholarships to and tolerating the worst people in Hockey East.
And to give you an idea of how bad the recruiting is at BU, the best two players the Terriers have had in the last five years, John Curry and Matt Gilroy (we call him Girl-roy haw haw haw), are walk-ons that Parker was lucky enough to have drop in his lap.
We find it odd that they named it "Jack Parker rink at Agganis Arena," though. Rinks are usually named after parties that played a big role in the program's development and are deceased. By that token, we would have named it "Jack Parker's Career rink."
Go 'Hawks. Beat BU."
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
BU Hatred Week: Part 1 - Dartmouth Review
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Meeting Coach Crawley
She brings the kind of enthusiasm, energy, and passion that has made the Heights fall in love with Jags. It's clear that DeFilippo is seeking out coaches who love BC and are willing to sell the program through their enthusiasm.
The most compelling part of the lunch was Crawley describing the process by which she was hired by BC. The athletic department noticed her when she joined the University of Ohio dance team for a performance during a televised BracketBuster game as a way to promote the women's team; they called her the next day and said they wanted someone with her enthusiasm and energy at BC. They tracked her progress for the rest of the year and determined that her record at Ohio was impressive enough to offer her an interview for the BC job.
Crawley had an "ACC clause" in her contract, which meant that she could leave her Ohio contract if an ACC team came knocking, since "to me, [the ACC] is the highest level of competition."
She said that when she arrived in Boston for her interview, she was instead taken around by Gene DeFilippo on a tour of Boston - visiting Harvard, BU, Kenmore Square, the North End, and having dinner in a Boston restaurant; she said Gene wanted to go beyond the regular interview process and spend time with her to learn more about her on a personal level.
"It was a brilliant idea," she said. "I felt comfortable with BC right away" and she fell in love with the vibrancy of the Boston area, combined with the beauty of BC's campus.
After a formal interview, Crawley was offered the job, and she said the players instantly bought into her system. With 23 years of recent professional experience and a great deal of success, Crawley has real credibility with her players, and this should show both on the court and in recruiting.
Crawley has a very compelling life story. After being hung out to dry when the first major American women's pro basketball league - the ABL - folded, she decided to diversify and "never again put all [her] eggs in one basket."
In addition to earning a spot in the then-fledgling WNBA, Crawley started a clothing line when she became frustrated by the lack of options for 6'5'' women. She later invested in real estate, and now rents out five homes; she also helps manage a national lifestyle magazine with a friend from Ohio - all of this while pursuing her basketball career, first as a player, and then as a coach.
Crawley is a compelling figure who seems poised to lead BC into the upper echelon of ACC women's basketball. I was excited about the hire beforehand, but I'm even more excited now. It seems like she's the real deal, and I wish her nothing but the best.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sparklunch with Crawley tomorrow
The bells are chiming: Lazy Monday thoughts
Sunday, November 30, 2008
College Hockey Fan Poll
The 'Hawks were idle this week.
Saturday, November 29, 2008

This one is for all the braindead morons who continually pick BC to struggle year after year after fucking year, only to be wrong again and again. For all the people who said BC could never win without Ryan, for all the chicken littles who wanted to run Jags out of town after UNC, for all the pundits who picked BC 5th or even 6th in the Atlantic, for all the people who said TOB made football at BC, for all the fucking rednecks who send us to shit bowls every year.
Oh how you make me happy, BC hockey
Friday, November 28, 2008
Women's hockey ties Princeton
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A terrible bus ride, a tough loss, and a great time
I love Boston College. More specifically, I love how BC gives me an excuse to do what I did yesterday – make a day-long jaunt to the Madison Square Garden for the sole purpose of watching one essentially insignificant college basketball game – and make it seem normal and socially acceptable. [Compared to some of my previous BC trips, and some other trips I have planned, it’s actually about as normal as taking the T to the TD Banknorth Garden for the Beanpot.]
Despite a tumult-filled eight hour (!) bus ride from Boston to New York, a long wait at the Port Authority Bus Terminal, and a tough loss that included the classic BC Tease ™ where it looked like they were going to pull it out only to rip your heart out with a minute to go, the trip was a blast. I traveled with my whalepants-wearing, old-fart compatriot, Pat Lane (BC alum from the long-ago class of ’08), got to see Madison Square Garden, and sat in the second row courtside for $10. And at the end of the day, I left feeling a lot better about BC basketball than I did at the start, when I was predicting doom-and-gloom the entire trip down.
First, the trip: we booked the Peter Pan bus for 11 AM, figuring we’d get into town at around 4 PM, giving time to enjoy a nice pre-game meal, walk around a little bit, then head to the Garden. All was going according to plan, as we crossed the CT-NY border at 3:30 PM, but thanks to New York traffic, it took us from 3:30 PM to 6:55 PM to travel from the NY border to the Port Authority Bus Terminal. We were held up even further by the fact that our bus driver apparently sideswiped a taxi cab in the traffic jam, forcing us to wait an additional fifteen minutes for the police to show up and file a report. It was, as the driver said over the PA system, the ‘longest four-hour trip of all time.’
Instead of dinner, we quickly shifted to plan B – ‘miss as little of the game as possible’ – and we got into the Garden about 5 minutes into the game with BC down by 4 points. Our NY culinary experience was reduced to MSG hot dogs of questionable origin and ridiculous price.
MSG was initially very surreal and unenjoyable to me – the color scheme is offensive to the eyes, the stage lighting takes some time to get used to, and the bowl arrangement just feels very, very odd. [The stage lighting is especially rough on me – I have a weird eye condition and my view was definitely impacted by the stage-style lighting - I can see a lot better when all things are illuminated more equally.)
While there’s certainly not a bad seat in the Garden, our instant-upgrade to courtside made the experience much more enjoyable; we then moved into the oh-so-packed “student” section when our pal Claver2010 scored us two second-row seats next to him near the BC bench.
The game itself was actually very entertaining. BC held their own and played with authority and aggression in the first half, but turnovers, poor shot selection, and a baffling lack of shooting by Tyrese Rice let Purdue drift out to a double-digit lead as the second half went on. BC kept showing flash after flash of a potential comeback, and I remarked that the 5 minute mark was the right time for the BC Tease ™, at which point, It Happened – BC went on a really nice run, sparked by some good play by Southern and Trapani, and cut the lead down to 4; an awful offensive foul call on Trapani – one in a sequence of shady calls against BC at critical situations – stemmed the BC tide with about one minute to go and the rally tapered out.
Still, Tyrese Rice only scored 15 and never looked dominant, but BC hung in there with one of the top ten teams in the country; I can’t really complain about that. I like the development of Southern, Jackson looks like a player, and JOE TRAPANI is going to be the steal of the year. We just really need Tyrese Rice to play like an All-American; if that happens, this team will win its share of basketball games.
A nightmarish hour in the Port Authority Terminal listening to an endless loop of Christmas music plagued the return trip, but it was an otherwise smooth journey, and I got back into Boston safe and sound at 5 AM.
One of the things I love about traveling anywhere, but particularly to NY – I absolutely love returning to Boston, walking around the city I love, and noticing and further appreciating its great qualities. For all its flaws, Boston is home.
My trips to New York always follow a predictable emotional pattern.
1- 1. I’m very excited for my trip.
2- 2. Getting into the city is a pain in the ass, and I get mildly annoyed.
3- 3. I get out of the bus/train and realize why I always end up hating New York the first six times I get bumped into or almost gunned down by a renegade taxi driver.
4- 4. I have a great time doing whatever I’m doing. This is invariably part of the equation: I always have fun.
5- 5. I come down with some sort of cough or stomach bug.
6- 6. I get to the bus/train station and anxiously await the return home
7- 7. I return to Boston, and as I step on to the street, angelic music plays in my head and I remember how much I hate New York
8- 8. I get excited for my next trip to NYC.
No offense is intended to New Yorkers here, who make up some of the best people and best sports fans at BC; also, New York has the only four things I really need to enjoy a city – 1) an educated population, 2) good sports, 3) good food, and 4) ample public transportation – but every day, I thank God (who I technically don’t even think exists) that I went to Boston College and didn’t go to school in New York, like I considered for a good amount of time; again, it’s not that I don’t enjoy my trips to New York, it’s just that when I walk out of South Station and into downtown Boston, it gives a nice, comforting sensation – it’s a vibrant, lively, historic city, yes, but I enjoy the fact that being a pedestrian is not round-the-clock hand-to-hand combat, a Darwinesque struggle for survival; and I like how drivers aren’t involved in a NASCAR-style 24 hour contact sport. I also enjoy how every third person I come across isn’t a) on crack, b) mumbling loudly to himself, c) asking me for change [especially since I’m a sucker and always give change to anyone who asks, as long as I have some]. Boston is a kooky city with some insane drivers, rude people, and oddly-laid-out streets, but warts and all, I’ll take it any day and often feel compelled to kiss the ground when I walk out of South Station.
All in all, I’d rate this as one of my top BC road trip experiences, despite the loss; it made me regret for 2.2 seconds the fact that I’ll never see a BC Big East Tournament at MSG [then I snapped out of it and realized that if we were still in the Big Least, we’d have our big tilt against Rutgers football to look forward to this weekend].
I took many photos, and expect to have them up later in the day, but for now I must get some sleep, then enjoy the holiday with family.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and GO EAGLES!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
MSG tonight!
By the way, to Dartmouth & the NCAA: lame. Soccer is supposed to be played regardless of weather.
So good luck to the soccer Eagles this afternoon.
The basketball Eagles have their MSG matchup with Purdue tonight. I'm taking the Peter Pan, not the Fung Wah, so I might actually make it; I'll be in NYC at around 3:30 and will be sitting up in the nosebleeds.
See you all tonight!
Monday, November 24, 2008
College Hockey fan poll
1. Minnesota - A split at Denver is always a solid weekend. The Gophers have clearly established themselves at #1.
2. Notre Dame - I discounted the Irish early on this season, but I have learned my lesson. Their combined two-game 14-2 pasting of Bowling Green was a message to the CCHA.
3. Boston University - BU hit a rough patch this week, losing two to Vermont, but I doubt their struggles will last long. Credit to Vermont.
4. Northeastern - Boston's far superior urban university picked up two more wins this week, including one against a plummeting UNH team. Thiessen is one of the best goalies in America.
5. Minnesota State - Am I the only person on the Maverick bandwagon? I feel like I consistently have them much higher in my rankings than anyone else does. Two more wins for MSU-M this weekend, although it was just Michigan Tech.
6. Boston College - It looks like BC may be starting that Slump Thing again. It's not full-blown Slump Thing yet, but we may be getting there. Either way, I really am not concerned. I'm a little concerned with Muse right now, but we'll see how he does with the chips on the table. I bet he returns to his freshman year form.
7. Colorado College - CC is another solid team that is struggling along with the growing pains of its sophomore goalie. I suspect they will be back in the top 5 soon.
8. Princeton - The keepers of the Hobey Baker flame had another 4-point weekend in the ECAC. A matchup with Northeastern in Troy on Friday will tell us a lot about both teams.
9. Denver University - DU stopped the bleeding with a Saturday victory over #1 Minnesota.
10. Air Force - This week is the big one for still-unbeaten Air Force: games against Colorado College and Denver.
11. Vermont - Another team I initially doubted. Hey, I admit when I'm wrong. Vermont is cruising right now, and picked up an impressive sweep at Agganis Arena.
12. UMass-Lowell - Despite their loss to rampaging Northeastern, I still project Lowell to end up #4 in Hockey East this year when all is said and done. They destroyed Providence, but to be fair, everyone is doing that these days.
13. Cornell - Two wins last week including one over a very solid Harvard team. Cornell and Princeton are shaping up to have a great battle in the ECAC. Cornell has two with North Dakota this week in a monster series for both teams.
14. Miami - With two wins against Michigan, Miami is quietly working their way back up the rankings after a rough start.
15. Nebraska-Omaha - Sorry UNH. Nebraska-Omaha sneaks into the top 15 from completely off my radar after scoring 10 goals in 2 games in a sweep of Michigan State. I didn't even notice until this weekend, but they're 9-2-1.
1. Wisconsin
2. Minnesota
3. Boston University
4. St. Lawrence
5. Dartmouth
6. UNH
7. BC
8. Harvard
9. Clarkson
10. Minn-Duluth
Rally around the new guy

Can this man lead BC to the promised land?
It doesn't matter who you wanted to be the starter at the beginning of the year, or after the Georgia Tech game, or after the UNC game; it doesn't matter if you think he should have gotten some snaps during games this year; it doesn't really even matter what you think of Davis's abilities. What matters is this: Dominique Davis is the man charged with getting us over the hump and into the Orange Bowl. It's time to rally around him. With a week at the helm under his belt, a lot of those first week jitters should be gone... let's hope it translates into results.
It's not going to be easy, but it never really is with BC athletics. GO DOMINIQUE!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thank you, Chris Crane.
A follow-up on yesterday's game
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Day of reckoning
Friday, November 21, 2008
Two 2-0 wins
Got my tickets to MSG!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
BC really imposed its will for the first period and a half, right up until they took a 2-0 lead; from that point forward, it was almost all UConn, outshooting BC ~25-15 over the last two periods. A number of these shots were point blank and Molly had to make some big saves.
The first goal for BC was vintage Stack/Thunstrom wizardry. Goal #2 was odd - the puck landed on Garcia's shoulder, there was a scrum around the net, and it fell off her shoulder and across the line.
Goal 3 came against the run of play courtesy of a BC power play. Kristin Regan fired a nice shot from the point and Becky Zavisza made a redirection that Milan Lucic would be proud of, putting the game on ice; Maggie Taverna added a 130-foot empty net rocket to put icing on the cake.
Zavisza reminds me a lot of Andrew Orpik from the BC men's team - maybe not the one player who stands out the most, offensively, but a strong, smart two-way player who can sneak up on you by uncorking an awesome wrist shot. Her resurgence has been one of the big reasons for BC's success this year.
The defense didn't have its best game overall, giving up a lot of good chances, but two blueliners deserve a lot of praise:
I thought that Brie Baskin had her best game as a defender thus far. She was solid for the entire game, but one play stands out - around halfway through the third period a UConn player (I think Thibault) was streaking in alone toward the net and had another one coming on her left; Brie came out of nowhere to fly into the zone and breakup the play cleanly.
And then there's Kurth, who seems to almost always be impressive. She plays like a grizzled veteran. Mike said that she's the best BC defender he's seen in his seven years of watching them play. I don't doubt it for an instant.
Good win on the road... time to cap off the weekend with another big one on Saturday."
INCH on Hayes
-Expect plenty of ZooMass students in Conte on Friday night. I'm happy to have them in the building - I'm just wondering how UMass-Amherst can offer a fan bus to away games, but BC can't because kids might drink and get in trouble. Also, for $25, UMass students get a ticket, a ride to and from campus on the bus, AND pizza. At BC the best you can get for $25 is a hot dog and a coke.
-Here's a funny story courtesy of the LetsGoDU hockey blog: the University of Minnesota is in a heavy recruiting battle with.... the University of Minnesota. Both the football team and the hockey team want the services of two-sport high school standout Anders Lee.
-Tonight's BC games: women's hockey travels to UConn for a Hockey East tilt, while women's basketball hosts Hofstra.
The Trophy Case: BC's honors during my years at school
- Men's Basketball
- 2006 - Commonwealth Classic Winner
- 2008 - Commonwealth Classic Winner
- Women's Basketball
- 2008 - Caribbean Challenge Winners
- 2008 - Blue Sky Classic Winners
- Sailing:
- 2008 - ICSA Women's National Champions
- 2008 - ICSA Co-Ed National Champions
- Football:
- 2006 - Meineke Car Care Bowl Winner
- 2007 - Ireland Trophy
- 2007 - ACC Atlantic Division Champions
- 2007 - Champs Sports Bowl Winner
- 2008 - Ireland Trophy
- 2008 - ACC Atlantic Division Champions
- Men's Soccer:
- 2007 - ACC Regular Season Champions
- 2007 - ACC Tournament Champions
- Women's Soccer:
- 2006 - Sweet Sixteen
- 2008 - Sweet Sixteen
- Women's Hockey:
- 2007 - Beanpot Champions
- 2007 - Frozen Four
- 2009 - Beanpot Champions
- Men's Hockey:
- 2007 - Hockey East Tournament Champions
- 2007 - Frozen Four
- 2007 - Mariucci Classic Champions
- 2008 - Beanpot Champions
- 2008 - Hockey East Tournament Champions
- 2008 - Frozen Four
- 2008 - National Champions
Games I Attended in '07-'08
- Overall: 51-30-11 + 12 non BC + spring football = 105 games
- Home: 40-25-6 + spring game
- Away: 4-5-5
- Neutral: 7-0
- Non-BC NCAA Games: 12
- Men's Hockey: 13-6-5
- Women's BBall: 8-2
- Football: 6-1 + spring game
- Baseball: 5-1
- Softball: 4-0
- Men's BBall: 6-4
- Women's Hockey: 8-11-5
- Men's Soccer: 1-2-1
- Field Hockey: 0-1
- Women's Soccer: 0-1
Stadiums/Fields Seen 07-08
- Total: 20
- Conte Forum [BC] - (49)
- Alumni Stadium [BC] - (8)
- TD Banknorth Garden - (7)
- Shea Field, Baseball [BC] - (6)
- Newton Soccer Field [BC] - (6)
- Walter Brown Arena [BU] - (4)
- Shea Field, Softball [BC] - (4)
- Matthews Arena [NU] - (3)
- DCU Center [Worcester] - (3)
- Schneider Arena [PC] - (2)
- Ridder Arena [Minnesota] - (2)
- UConn Hockey Arena [Conn] - (2)
- Agganis Arena [BU] - (2)
- Tsongas Arena [UML] - (1)
- Whittemore Center [UNH] - (1)
- Mariucci Arena [Minnesota] - (1)
- Bright Arena [Harvard] - (1)
- Harvard Stadium [Harvard] - (1)
- Newton Field Hockey [BC] - (1)
- Houston Field House [RPI] - (1)
Games I attended in 06-07
- OVERALL 67-27-3 = 97 games
- Football 6-0
- M Hockey 17-6-1
- M Basketball 14-4
- W Hockey 13-6-2
- W Basketball 6-3
- Softball 3-1
- W Soccer 3-1
- M Soccer 3-1
- Baseball 2-4
- W Lax 0-1
Best Moments
- Men's Hockey, 4/12/08 - National Champs.
- Football, 10/26/07 - BC rallies with two touchdowns in the last 2:11 to win at Virginia Tech and maintain their #2 ranking. Students spill out of the dorms and have an impromptu celebration all over campus. What a night. WOW.
- Men's Hockey, 3/30/08 - BC scores 3 goals in 1:58 to come from an 0-2 deficit to a 3-2 lead late in the 2nd against Miami in the NCAA regional final.
- Men's Hockey, 3/30/08 - Joe Whitney's ridiculous diving goal sends BC to the Frozen Four, beating Miami 4-3 in OT.
- Men's Hockey, 3/21/08 - Benn Ferriero's 3OT goal caps a comeback against UNH in the Hockey East semifinals at the Garden.
- Men's Hockey, 2/11/08 - Nick Petrecki's OT goal wins the Beanpot for BC!
- Football, 9/1/07 - BC scores a touchdown to tie the game at 21 right before half time against Wake. BC wins 38-28
- Men's Hockey, 11/30/07 - BU goalie Karson Gillespie gets sent to the box by Benedetto for a swan dive... piss-your-pants laughter follows
- Men's Hockey, 3/15/08 - Nate Gerbe's amazing penalty shot goal makes it 4-0 BC over PC in Game 2 of the HE QFs
- Men's Hockey, 2/4/08 - Gerbe slays BU in overtime
- Men's Hockey, 3/22/08 - BC cruises to another Hockey East title, beating UVM 4-0
- Men's Hockey, 3/29/08 - BC gets past the Gophers 5-2 in the NCAA tournament.
- Men's Hockey, 3/15/08 - BC sweeps the Friars with a pair of 5-1 wins in the HE QFs to advance to the TD Banknorth Garden.
- Women's Hockey, 2/29/08 - Eagles top PC 4-2 in the season's penultimate game to keep their playoff hopes alive. Stack with the ENG to ice it with 4 seconds left.
- Women's Hockey, 1/4/07 - BC kills off a 5-on-3, Lindsay Wright aka CANADA scores a sick goal, and BC upsets #4 SLU 5-2
- Women's Basketball, 1/6/07 - BC stuns NC State with a thrilling 1 point come-from-behind victory
- Men's Soccer, 11/9/07 - BC clinches ACC reg. season title with a win at home against VT.
- Women's Hockey, 01/12/08 - MN native Allie Thunstrom's goal with 1:30 to go gives BC a tie @ #4 Minnesota
- Men's Hockey, 3/14/08 - BC blitzes Providence early and often en route to 5-1 win in Game 1 of HE QFs at BC
- Men's Basketball, 12/23/07 - Tyrese Rice knocks down a floater with less than 5 seconds to play to give BC the 57-55 win over Northeastern.
- Men's Hockey, 1/19/08 - Carl Sneep's goal in the 3rd ties BU 2-2; pandemonium in the student section
- Football, 11/24/07 - BC finally snaps the long losing streak against the U.
- Women's Hockey, 2/10/08 - BC's Stack scores in the 2nd to tie UNH 1-1. We lost, but that was a great moment.
- Women's Basketball, 12/31/07 - Picco nails back to back three pointers as BC wins a thriller against NU
- Baseball, 5/13/08 - BC rallies from big early deficit to beat UConn.
- Softball, 3/26/08 - Fence Girl crashes into the fence, Thunstrom scores winning run, BC downs HC 4-3
- Women's Hockey, 11/29/07 - A clutch goal with under a minute remaining by Stack gives BC a much needed point @ UConn
- Women's Hockey, 3/15/08 - UNH tops St. Lawrence 3-2 in OT to give Hockey East a representative in the Frozen Four.
- Men's Hockey, 11/30/07 - BC explodes for a 3-0 1st period lead en route to a 6-2 win over BU
- Football, 10/7/07 - BC scores 31 points in the 2nd quarter against Bowling Green and rolls to 55-24 win - up to #4 in the country!