...wow. Every now and then, it feels like we're at a legitimate big time athletics school. Those moments are fleeting, but my God, they sure are gratifying.
The Eagles have now defeated every team in the ACC since joining the league.
I don't hate Duke the way some (most?) people do, but I still hate that weasel Paulus from his tussle with Hinnant in the 2006 ACC championship game. To see him suck it up on the court at Conte was great.
The refs were characteristically bad, but that's to be expected against Duke. Really not surprising at all.
Joe Trapani was a monster tonight. And how can you not love Reggie Jackson? His 3 with about 8 minutes left was one of the top 5 key plays of the game.
Storming the court was fun, and it was especially good to see Gene DeFilippo personally clearing people out of the courtside seats and moving chairs out of the way to give students a lane to run onto the court. A few mouthbreathers from TeamOps tried to hold students back, which really only made things more dangerous as they were getting trampled from all sides.
I'm a TeamOps mouthbreather, although I generally use my nose to breath unless I have a cold. What we were trying to do was funnel people around the expensive floor seats so some heavy donating alumnus didn't get stampeded. At least, that's the standard plan.
But I can't say for certain what other individuals did or tried to do. Certainly trying to outrightly stop the rush would have been like trying to dam a river with a newspaper. And I can assure you that stopping or even slowing down the rush was NOT the plan.
I got the pleasure of helping escort the Blue Devils off the court, and it was hard not to laugh at Paulus.
And as far as court rushes go, it was a good one. Plenty of exuberance, well ordered (all things considered), and nobody hassled the Duke players or coaches.
Probably the most exciting sporting event I've been to or worked at.
Excellent photos too, and I'm glad you went with the larger sized images to capture the scope of this win.
It'd be a crime if we don't go dancing now.
Perhaps that's what you intended, but it's not what happened. I ran up through the middle, through the path that students had already gone through, with students passing me to my left and to my right. I went on in a calm manner, walking briskly. And yet someone - one of the supervisors - grabbed me, and someone else grabbed and yanked someone next to me, and literally pushed us backwards as we were trying to join our classmates on the court.
I finally broke free of him and got on the court.
I'm pretty sure that I heard him shouting something about there already being too many people on the court... which is odd, as I was in maybe the 6th row of students on the floor and it was pretty clear that EVERY student behind the baskets was going to make it onto the court by hook or by crook.
It's not surprising that the court rush went smoothly. While the BC fan attitude has its drawbacks, one benefit is that I'd be stunned to hear any Duke players or fans were bothered, or anyone was trampled in a moment of rowdiness.
Some people take the job too seriously. All I can say is sorry, and that shouldn't have happened. The situation must have overwhelmed whoever it was that did that.
I was right next to the madness, walking with Elliot Williams, but wasn't nervous because you guys are good fans. You're not gonna go after a Duke player, and if anything happened, it'd be by accident.
There were some bumps and bruises, and a girl lost a shoe, that's about it.
If you wanna see something funny, pause that video at the very beginning, watch the guy in white who sprints out from next to the Duke bench. That was my supervisor retrieving the game ball. You gotta appreciate the hustle.
HAHA someone lost a shoe?? That's bizarre...
And you know, I noticed that guy sprinting all over the place and grabbing the ball. I thought it was hilarious - what were they doing? Did they want the ball, or were they supposed to retrieve it?
BC wants the ball, we get it for them.
Grant, I lost both of my shoes and my jacket. Good thing I was able to retreat post celebration.
How the hell do you lose shoes?
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